
Can an association charge a member a fee for paying for dues or classes with a credit or 借记卡?
地方协会出售各种各样的商品和服务, 包括会员, 教育课程, 事件注册, 和产品. 要知道,当地协会可能不会对使用信用卡的买家征收费用, 借记卡, 或者用储值卡代替现金或支票付款. 这并不禁止地方协会, 然而, 从对现金支付的购买者的正常零售价格打折.


What are the association’s options if a designated REALTOR® (DR) refuses to pay the additional dues owed for an unreported licensee?
The association should follow provisions in its bylaws for suspension and termination for non-payment of dues.

Do you inactivate the office and all licensees when you inactivate the broker of a firm? 即使是那些已经缴纳了当年会费的销售人员?
是的, 如果公司的主要经纪人(DR)被终止, the office and all licensees associated with the DR should be terminated-even licensees who have paid their current dues.

Can the responsible person’s license number be different from the sponsor’s license number?
是的, a licensee may be sponsored by the corporation license (sponsor license) or the broker’s license (responsible person’s license).

Should you change a UL’s class to another class before dues obligations have been satisfied?
No, a valid UL should be put in ” with a Member Type equal to Non-Member and with a Subclass equal to SP.

What do you do with unresolved ULs from the 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarters prior to December 31?
It is the association’s responsibility to collect an assessment from the DR for 1st and 2nd quarter ULs. 如果DR不支付评税, 或UL不以REALTOR®身份加入, 并且UL在TREC中与同一代理保持活跃, 该板将由TAR收取UL费用.  董事会应终止DR, 所有探员到办公室集合, 和办公室避免收到发票.

According to the policies recommended by the Texas REALTORS® 成员hip Task Force and approved by the Executive Board, 解决未申报持牌人的问题应采取以下步骤:

  1. 与TREC核对代理信息.
  2. 如果代理不再与TREC一起活动,请在列表上做标记.
  3. 如果代理仍然活跃,但与另一个经纪人,在列表上做记号.
  4. 如果座席与LFRO连接, 在清单上做批注,并向TAR提交所需的LFRO证书.  此证明表格可在 TexasRealestate.AE资源旗下的com.
  5. Call your Texas REALTORS® membership coordinator at 800-873-9155 to notify the association which records need to be corrected.
  6. 如果代理仍然是活跃的,并且有一个成员代理, 联系会员经纪人邀请代理加入, or collect an assessment from the sponsoring broker for the agents who do not wish to join, or allow the sponsoring broker the ability to return the agent’s license so that TREC reflects the 60 days after receipt of UL list.
  7. Add agents to ” or reactivate members in ” and update member class and local join date, 如果适用的话.


According to NAR’s model bylaws what is the procedure and time frame for collecting delinquent dues?
参考NAR章程范本第X条第4款. 30天后, suspend member at the discretion of the board of directors; 60 days, terminate the member at the discretion of the board of directors; and 90 days, 自动终止会员资格, 除非事先被董事终止.

Do the procedures and time frame mentioned above affect the transmission of collected dues to TAR?
No. Texas 成员hip Task Force established a policy in which dues collected during the month are due to TAR by the 10th of the following month.

Does NAR have a provisional membership class that a local association can adopt in their bylaws?
是的, this classification gives the applicant rights of REALTOR® membership pending completion of local membership requirements. (注:“P”是正确的成员状态.)

Can a member hold secondary membership in an association without holding primary membership in another association?
No, they must hold primary membership in an association prior to holding secondary membership in another association. They can hold secondary membership in any association without their broker holding membership in that association.

On the membership application, licensees are asked if they hold membership in another association. 这将提示您联系其他协会并验证此信息. Ask the AE to send you a letter of good standing for that member to put into their file. Always check on ” to see if they are in the system; this also avoids issuing a licensee another ” #.

Can a licensee hold primary membership in a local association where the principal broker (DR) does not hold membership?
No. Local associations must have a DR for the firm as a primary or secondary member before a licensee can be considered primary in that local association.

是的. 如果终止, 被许可人不再拥有本地协会的主要会员资格, 因此, 无法在另一个关联中保留次要成员资格.  然而, ” automatically inactivates secondary records if primary membership becomes inactive.

如果一个有效的被许可人持有REALTOR®会员资格,他也可以拥有附属会员资格. 他必须加入最高级别的(REALTOR®), 由于附属公司是会员,所以必须重新缴纳会费.

Should we reply to a request from another association regarding status/standings of one of your members applying for membership in their association? 应该用什么方法?
是的, it is important to promptly reply to the other association and send a letter of good standing to the association.

Are there additional dues owed when a non-member salesperson converts to REALTOR® status?
The Texas REALTORS® requires the $5 IMPAC and $5 LEGAL FUND, and NAR requires the $35 IMAGE fee. 当地协会的政策可能要求缴纳会费/费用, 以及进一步的会员要求(方向), 申请表)填写.

办事处名称的拼写是否应按照全国楼宇管理协会(NAR)的2021十大正规彩票app进行标准化.e., C-21, Coldwell Banker, RE/MAX)?

Should you notify the Texas REALTORS® when specific changes affecting your association occur? (例如,人员变动,区号等.)

你应该在”上包括TREC许可证号码吗? TREC许可证号码的格式是什么?
是的,在”的成员记录中包括TREC许可证号码. TREC许可证编号应该是以0开头的7位数字,“0”.” Any license number that does not contain seven digits (either more or less) will generate a UL statement. (注:在”中需要TREClicense号码.)

你应该用大写字母吗, 正常情况(或混合情况), 或在”中输入信息时全部小写?
”接受所有个案. 然而, TAR uses proper case only so please use proper case when entering new records or modifying existing records.

2021十大正规彩票app你每季度至少和解一次. 在将信息上传至”并收到”的验证后, 从”下载, 比较文件, 调和任何差异.

It is suggested that error reports be addressed immediately for accuracy on your recent upload on ”.

Error reports should be addressed immediately to verify ” information downloaded successfully to TAR.

Is it necessary to remove non-paid NSPs (non-member salespersons) from the ” records prior to March 31?
是的. Inactivate all non-paid NSPs and reduce the count in the office record before March 31 to avoid being assessed dues for those licensees.